The NDA-program at Kosmoramas sheds a spotlight on the filmmakers of tomorrow
In New Directors Award (NDA) Kosmorama has dedicated it's competition program to the filmmakers of the future, the new voices in the global world of film that we believe are about to make their mark in the years to come.
In the NDA film program it is not only the films that have to be good, the directors also need to show that they have that little extra as a storteller or film artist. The criterion is that they cannot have made more that three full length feature films before. Kosmorama's programming team have together nominated the ten films that are fighting over the reward. This year almost every film is a debut. These strong candidates make up our New Directors-program series. A professional jury announces the winner of the New Directors Award amongst the nominees. The winner will be announced prior to the final movie on the 12. March.
Kosmorama has throughout the years introduced multiple directors of the future to our festival audience. An example is Martin McDonagh (b. 1970) who participated in the NDA award at Kosmorama 2008 with his debut film In Bruges. McDonagh was later nominated for an Oscar for best original script for the same movie. This year he is once again nominated with the critically acclaimed BAFTA-winner Banshees of Inisherin. This movie will be shown once at Kosmorama as part of our Oscar-focus.
In addition to the New Directors Award winner that is elected by the jury, all films in the New Directors series is eligible for Kosmorama's Audience award. This is an award won through audience votes, submitted by everyone who comes to Kosmorama and shares their opinion on the films through ballots at the cinema.
You can read more about NDA and the audience award here: