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Volunteer for Kosmorama!

Kosmorama is looking for volunteers for the 2023 festival. You will gain useful experiences, good film experiences and new friends.

Kosmorama 2023 will be held 6.-12, March. Every year the festival needs volunteers who work in our Kosmocrew.

As a member of Kosmocrew, you get a festival pass that gives you access to see as many films as you want during the festival. You will also be invited to a pre-premiere for volunteers only, and you will get to know other volunteers in the Kosmocrew Lounge during the festival. We are looking for someone who want to help make Kosmorama film festival a fantastic experience!

Kosmorama is looking for volunteers in various positions, and the tasks depend on which position you apply for. Among other things, we need volunteers to stand at the information desk, hang up posters, take pictures, run errands in Kosmorama's festival cars, welcome other volunteers, work with the outdoor cinema and host guests. Not least, we need many cinema hosts, who take responsibility in the cinemas before, during and after the screening. Cinema hosts must also stand in front of the audience and welcome them to the screening. As a perk, the cinema hosts get to watch a lot of film together with the audience.

We expect you to show up at the agreed time and do the job with a good attitude and commitment. Minimum amount of work is three shifts (approx. 21 hours), but some of the positions will require a little more.
