Film tips week 17
Kosmorama recommends quality films for this week. This week's a double trouble one, and we recommend two films from Trondheim kino, Cinemateket AND on streaming!
You can catch these titles either on the big screen or on various streaming services.
Olfas Døtre and Somliga går med trasiga skor

Where: Trondheim Kino
This week the Kosmorama-films Somliga får med trasiga skor and Olfas Døtre premiere at Trondheim kino! If you missed these at the festival you now get another chance to watch them on the big screen.
Somliga går med trasiga skor
Nearly forty years after his death, Cornelis Vreeswijk remains one of Sweden's greatest music icons. The poor immigrant boy from Holland became popular when he modernized Swedish folk music in the mid-60s. At the same time, he struggled throughout his life with substance abuse problems and a tumultuous personal life that often made headlines. With the help of newly discovered archival material, this documentary paints a close portrait of an artist who until the end wanted to give a voice to society's weak and broken. Perhaps because, despite his success, he always felt like one of them.
Olfas døtre (Four Daughters)
Etter en streng oppvekst, har to av Olfas fire døtre blitt radikalisert og forlatt hjemlandet. Igjen står en splittet familie. Ved å gjenoppleve sin egen historie, forsøker de å forsone seg med det som har skjedd.
Olfas døtre er en beretning full av håp, livslyst og energi, samtidig som den utforsker familiens tap og fortvilelse. Gjennom deres øyne ser vi kampen for å forstå hva som førte til at to unge jenter tok et rystende valg i livet, men også hvordan familien står igjen med strak rygg tross sin bagasje.
Regissør Kaouther Ben Hania blander intervjuer fra virkeligheten med rekonstruksjoner, og inviterer oss inn i familiens indre liv på en innovativ og svært engasjerende måte. Alt føles nært og levende, godt hjulpet av et strålende ensemble med skuespillere, og mennesker som deler av sine ekte liv.
Filmen har allerede blitt internasjonalt anerkjent, blant annet fra hovedkonkurransen ved Cannes filmfestival, en Oscar-nominasjon for beste dokumentarfilm, og vant i kategorien Beste dokumentar under både den franske César-prisen og Independent Spirit Awards.
Double Trouble: Lola rennt (1998) + À plein temps (2021)

Where: Cinemateket
At Cinemateket, Trondheim Filmklubb presents Lola Rennt featuring "Run Lola Run" and
À plein temps on Wednesday, April 23!
While Lola must solve her boyfriend's urgent money problem in a very short time, French protagonist Julie in À plein temps faces entirely different issues during a transportation strike. While Lola runs past various landmarks in Berlin, Julie constantly has to walk through Paris in a similar manner. Julie, a divorced mother of two in a job she's trying to replace, must deal with one frustration after another as she navigates everything from childcare to alternative transportation during the strike and how to get to a job interview in the middle of the workday far from her workplace without her superiors finding out.
Seize the opportunity to see these films back-to-back for this unique experience!
Lola Rennt 1h 21m German with Norwegian subtitles 35mm
À plein temps 1h 27m French with Norwegian subtitles DCP
Factotum og Salmer fra kjøkkenet

Where: streaming
Factotum is the depiction of Charles Bukowski's turbulent and harsh life as a writer in 1970s USA. Hank Chinaski, Bukowski's alter ego, is a "factotum," a jack-of-all-trades or casual laborer who takes odd jobs that don't conflict too much with his real interests: drinking, women, gambling, and writing. We meet Matt Dillon as Hank. He gets fired for who-knows-how-many times and checks into a cheap hotel. He drinks and writes. Novels, essays, and poetry come out at a surprising pace. His manuscripts are submitted to publishers and magazines as quickly as they are rejected. Hank has had many women, but there's something special about Jan (Lili Taylor). They share the same enthusiasm for alcohol. Around Hank and Jan's turbulent lives on the fringes of American society, circle countless alcoholics, hookers, and small-time gamblers. This is how Factotum begins, a dark comedy about the writer's debauched life - and his uncontrollable but tender relationship with Jan. Factotum is Hamer's fourth feature film and was Kosmorama's first opening film.
Salmer fra kjøkkenet
In the post-war period, there was a strong focus on the housewife's profession and the kitchen as a workplace. Housework was elevated to the same level as other skilled labor, and the development of technical innovations for the modern kitchen was considered socially beneficial. Home and kitchen experts put up grand calculations to prove that the kitchen was the largest workplace in the national household. Cupboard space, countertop heights, and the housewife's movement between the various workstations in the kitchen became crucial factors in the pursuit of the ideal kitchen, and it was found that arranging the kitchen's workstations in sequence, following the pattern from assembly lines in American factories, yielded enormous benefits. Or as it was also stated in a Norwegian kitchen ad from the 1950s; instead of the housewife needing to walk a distance equivalent to Norway/Congo during one year of cooking, she should now not walk further than to Northern Italy to get the food on the table. The interest in the new kitchen science was enormous; when two complete model kitchens were placed on an exhibition train that stopped at 66 locations in Norway in 1953, a quarter of a million people came to see them. After a thorough mapping of the Swedish housewife's behavior in the kitchen, the researchers at the Hemmens Research Institute (HFI) in Stockholm are ready to look beyond their own geographical and gender-based boundaries. In the early 1950s, they send 12 of their best field observers across the border to the small village of Landstad in Norway, with its surplus of unmarried men, where they will study the kitchen routines of single men. The survey will last for 6 weeks, from November to Christmas Eve. To cover all 24 hours of the day as effectively as possible, the Swedish observers will live in their respective campers outside their respective households. It is important that they can come and go as they please and must under no circumstances be spoken to or included in the kitchen's chores and routines. It would damage the scientific basis of the study. Believing that the survey will put Landstad on the map, the mayor has encouraged the village's bachelors to participate. Many have said yes, but some have deeply and sincerely regretted it afterwards... This film has also been shown at Kosmorama before, then as culinary cinema at Bula Neobistro.