Film challenge!
Welcome to the first Kosmorama Challenge where we celebrate previous programs from Kosmorama Trondheim International Film Festival.
There are 17 categories - one for each year. Copy the categories and make your own list with the Kosmorama-films of your choosing. Or you can copy our list!
The films have to correspond with the categories. For instance: Number 3. A film title that starts with an "A" - the Kosmorama film you choose has to have a title starting with the letter "A".
Watch any Kosmorama film released on Laserdisc, VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, or on demand. The films can be watched in any order and from any Kosmorama-year! Great if the films are a first time watch, if not, that's cool too.
Do you have some old programs at home? That's helpful! Here are some other helpful links to find some of our films:
We're working on putting every previous Kosmorama program on Letterboxd as well, just give us some time!
1. There has to be blood
2. Kosmoramas annual token long film (3 hours or more)
3. A film title that starts with an "A"
4. Directed by a woman
5. Makes you think of religion
6. An Oscar nominee
7. A documentary
8. Made in Italy
9. A feelgood film
10. Did it age well?
11. A culinary film (preferably make some food with this one)
12. Nordic cinema
13. An LGBTQ+ film
14. Would be great as outdoor cinema
15. This looks terrible
16. A romantic film
17. Looks like it could be your favourite Kosmorama film (so far)
Thanks for joining the challenge, add your list in the comments! And good luck.
Next festival: March 7th to 14th 2022.