Age limits at Kosmorama
At the 2024 festival, Kosmorama is moving away from the previous 15-year age limit and will instead apply age restrictions to each individual film based on the guidelines set by distributors and the Norwegian Media Authority. Here's an introduction to what this means for you as a festivalgoer.

The age limits for films in Norway are: All ages (A), 6 years, 9 years, 12 years, 15 years, and 18 years.
These age limits are applied when evaluating films for the festival. The age limits are determined based on an assessment of whether the content of the film may be harmful to individuals under the respective age limit. Consideration is not given to whether the film is suitable for the child; such assessments are left to parents and guardians.
In the program catalog and on the website's program overview, all films will be clearly marked with their age limit. Some of our events may also have an age limit of 18 years due to a liquor license, regardless of the film's age limit. These events will be clearly marked with an 18-year age limit, and in such cases, 18 years applies regardless of the film's age limit.
Age limits in practice:
- All children can attend films with a 6-year age limit when accompanied by a guardian or an adult companion authorized by parents/guardians. The adult must be at least 18 years old and have permission from the parents/guardians to bring the child to the cinema.
- For age limits of 9, 12, and 15 years, you can bring children who are up to three years younger.
- The 18-year age limit is absolute. Everyone must be 18 years old to watch the film.
The cinema has the right and obligation to carry out age checks.