Hjemmefestival Eks Hjemmefestival Eks Hjemmefestival Eks Hjemmefestival Eks Hjemmefestival Eks Hjemmefestival Eks

Make the most out of your home festival!

This year, your living room is your festival area. Let your creativity loose and make yourself a festive setting!

Årets festival er noe helt nytt og annerledes, men vi velger å se muligheter i digital festival og håper dere gjør det samme! Blant annet kan dere skreddersy deres egen festivalløype, og dere kan velge å se film i pysjen, fra senga, mellom Zoom-møtene – mulighetene er nærmest uendelige! I tillegg går det an å transformere stua til sitt helt eget festivalområde. Her kommer noen tips til hvordan du kan lage din egen filmfestival:

There are many possibilities in having a digital festival. You can creative your own film route, you can watch films in your pajamas, you can sneak a film in between your Zoom meetings – and so much more. The living room is your festival area, and there's nothing stopping you from making it all that you want. Here are some times from us:

  • Decorate! Use light chains, balloons, flowers or what ever makes you feel that festive feeling
  • Maybe you would like some Kosmorama effects? At Prinsen Cinema Centre, you can pick up catalouges and posters. You can also buy t-shirts or totebags!
  • Make your favourite meal and treat yourself with good beverages! Or maybe you would like to make food inspired by the film you are going to watch?
  • With film festival home edition, it is entirely up to you whether you arrange a galla premiere or a movie night with pajama's and pillow forts.
  • The social aspect of the festival experience is still important! At Letterboxd, you can read reviews of the films and write your own. And maybe you can arrange a digital film debate with your fellow film buffs?

Share your experience with us! Tag your Instagram photos with #kosmoramafilm.

Hjemmefestival Eks

Snurr film
