It's finally here - the trailer to Kosmorama's opening film - NORWEGIAN DREAM
We are greatly honoured to present the trailer to NORWEGIAN DREAM which has Norwegian premier and is also opening film at Kosmorama March 6.
It's a first time for everything. With NORWEGIAN DREAM dream has become reality for editor Leiv Igor Devold and producer Håvard Gossé from Spætt Film. This is in fact the feature film debut for them both and the setting in this Norwegian-Polish-German production is in Trøndelag.
"I'm very proud that we have made Trøndelag's first locally produced feature film," says Devold, who earlier have made several documentaries. Håvard Gossé is also well experienced within this genre and has produced several critically acclaimed documentaries.
But now it's feature film and Norwegian Dream that counts and the trailer is released these days. Many feelings runs through Håvard Gossé's mind when he sees the countless working hours with film production compressed into a two minute trailer.
"I was very proud when I saw the trailer for the first time, for it was just then I fully understood that we had managed to create a real feature film," he says.
Norwegian Dream is a multifaceted story where meetings across cultures and class constitutes the framework for a love story between two young men. Leiv Igor Devold, himself from Polish-Norwegian origin, pinpoint the main message: that is should be safe to stand up as you are, for everyone and everywhere.
“Now I'm looking forward to share this love story with the audience at Kosmorama on March 6,” he says.
The film has cinema release in Norway the week after Kosmorama.
Get your ticket to the premiere here: