Film recommendations week 35
Kosmorama recommends quality films for this week.
This week, we recommend two films at Trondheim Kino, Cinemateket, and streaming, offering a good mix of previous Kosmorama films and exciting horror/thrillers!

Where: Trondheim Kino
The third film in Ti West's X trilogy follows X (2022) and Pearl (2022), with Mia Goth in the lead role.
After surviving the gruesome massacre in Texas (from the movie X), Maxine Minx returns to Los Angeles to continue pursuing her big Hollywood dream. As she faces her major breakthrough, she must avoid the notorious murderer, the Night Stalker, who terrorized Los Angeles in the mid-80s.
Mia Goth shines alongside Elizabeth Debicki, Moses Sumney, Kevin Bacon, Lily Collins, Bobby Cannavale, Halsey, and Michelle Monaghan.
Bøndene (The Peasants)

Where: Trondheim Kino
Did you miss this film at Kosmorama this year? Now you have another chance to see it on the big screen.
What do you get when you combine Nobel Prize-winning literature with over 200,000 hours of oil painting from more than 100 artists in Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, and Serbia? The answer is the visually striking animated film The Peasants.
The film is made by the directors behind the Oscar and Golden Globe-nominated Loving Vincent (2017) and is based on the Nobel Prize-winning novel of the same name by Władysław Reymont. In a Polish village in the late 1800s, the richest farmer in town, Maciej, wants to marry the beautiful young Jagna. However, she has her eye on Maciej's son, Antek. Jagna wants to live life on her own terms, which causes discontent among the villagers, where gossip is rampant, and patriarchal values run deep.
The film takes us through four seasons and Jagna's brutal encounter with the village's social pressures as more and more villagers turn against her.
Women Talking

Where: Cinemateket
Women Talking was previously shown at the Kosmorama Film Festival and can be seen at Cinemateket this week!
In a barn far out in the countryside, a group of women gather to discuss their future. Should they accept their situation and stay, fight back, or run away? This is a gripping drama where everything is at stake.
For a long time, the women in an isolated religious sect have been subjected to sexual abuse. They are drugged with a sedative used on cattle and raped during the night. The women are told that the assaults are committed by ghosts, demons, or Satan himself—as punishment for their indecent actions. They believe this until two young girls see one of the rapists running across the field after committing the crime. Some of the men are arrested, and the rest go to town to bail them out. The women in the colony are alone for two days, and during that time, they must decide what their future will look like.

Where: Cinemateket
Jen has traveled to a luxurious villa in the desert with her multi-millionaire boyfriend, Richard. However, their romantic weekend takes a dark turn when friends from Richard's hunting party suddenly show up. After a series of violent events, Richard and his friends attempt to cover up what has happened. But soon, they will taste bloody revenge.
Coralie Fargeat is one to watch in a new wave of female directors in the horror genre. Her striking and impressive debut film is a revenge story told with style, a good dose of dark humor, and feminist undertones. This fall, she is in the spotlight with the body horror film The Substance, which received rave reviews after its premiere in the main competition at Cannes in May.

Hvor: Strømming
Before you watch Maxxxine in theaters, it’s a good idea to stream the previous Kosmorama film Pearl, which serves as a prequel in Ti West's trilogy.
This is the story of the young, beautiful Pearl, who grew up on a farm in the Midwest at the beginning of the 1900s. She dreams of going to Hollywood to become a star, but beneath the surface of this sweet and delicate woman lies a darkness that will emerge in gorgeous, blood-red Technicolor!
Pearl is a prequel to the critically acclaimed X and its sequel Maxxxine, but it also stands well on its own.
Pearl is possibly an even better film, with Mia Goth in the lead role shining even brighter than she did in X. The fact that she didn't receive an Oscar nomination for this performance is nothing short of a small injustice.
Loving Vincent

Hvor: Strømming
Denne filmen er laget av samme regissører som Bøndene, og er også en tidligere Kosmorama-film!
Det er den 29. juli 1890, og en skadet mann kommer haltende ned langs den lille franske byen Auvres. Han holder hendene over et ferskt skuddsår på magen. Mannen er Vincent Van Gogh - på den tid ukjent for verden, men i dag kjent som en av tidenes største kunstnere. Hans tragiske død er omgitt av mystikk og spekulasjoner. Hvem var det egentlig som skjøt?
Loving Vincent fanger på unikt vis Vincent Van Goghs kunstnerskap, liv og død ved å gi en stemme til hans brev og nytt liv til karakterene i hans maleri.
Loving Vincent er verdens første produksjon som er oljeanimert i sin helhet og har sysselsatt 150 ulike kunstnere som til sammen har vært med på å male og sette sammen filmens 65 000 bilder. Resultatet er en fargesprakende, fascinerende og rørende fortelling om skaperglede, lidenskap og fortvilelse.