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Changes to the program

Here are the changes to the program from this years physical program.
The list will be updated on a running basis.

Photo cover photo: Ina Haaheim Stenvig

Sister Midnight - Will be shown with English subtitles instead of Norwegian as stated in the program

The Big Lebowski - directed by: Ethan Coen and Joel Coen

In the screening schedule for Friday, March 21, on pages 76-77 of the program catalog, Peacock, Drowning Dry, and Happyend are listed with incorrect theaters and/or times.
The correct screening times and theaters are:

Drowning Dry - Friday 21. March, 20:30, Prinsen 8

Happyend - Friday 21. March , 18:00, Prinsen 8

Peacock - Friday 21. March, 10:00, Prinsen 5
