Talent Midt-Norge in Film and Games
The talent development program "Talent Midt-Norge in Film and Games" has been awarded two years of support from SpareBank 1 SMN and Talent Norge.
The initiative is led and organized by Kosmorama – Trondheim International Film Festival, in collaboration with Midtnorsk Filmsenter and Filminvest.
This two-year program is a talent initiative where Kosmorama, in collaboration with the established film and gaming industries in Trøndelag, connects emerging talents with mentorship environments. Three talents will be selected and will receive continuous support leading up to Kosmorama 2027.
"A strong focus on talent development is necessary and highly desired to build a more sustainable industry—one that can bring world-class film and gaming stories to life, rooted in our region," says Silje Engeness, Director of Kosmorama.
The regional focus is a key reason why SpareBank 1 SMN has committed 2.5 million NOK to the project.
"We have been involved in talent development in Mid-Norway for many years, so it is especially exciting to be part of this initiative. The film and gaming sector in our region has great potential and many opportunities, and it’s all about working together to seize them!" says Hilde Sem Lykke, Head of Community Engagement at SpareBank 1 SMN.
Through the program, the talent development environment for film and gaming in the region will be strengthened, providing professional support and access to valuable networks.
"We are excited to collaborate with SpareBank 1 SMN and Kosmorama to create new opportunities for the filmmakers and game developers of the future. A strong regional initiative like this is crucial for building robust talent communities and ensuring that new voices in film and gaming receive the support they need to develop within the region. With access to mentors and professional networks, these talents will gain a solid foundation for career development. We look forward to following their journey and contributing to strengthening the industry in Mid-Norway," says Silje Riise Næss, Director of Talent Norge.
Målgruppen for programmet er film - og spillarbeidere i starten av karrieren, og som er ferdig med utdanning. De har et manifestert talent som kan dokumenteres gjennom resultater som profesjonelle, og kan formulere en ide om hva de vil oppnå i talentperioden som gjør at de står sterkere rustet til en solid profesjonell karriere etterpå.
Talentene i programmet vil ta del i et løp som gjør de bedre rustet til å følge drømmen og satse på en karriere i film - og spillefeltet. Ved å lære av regionale, norske og internasjonale mentorer og eksperter kan de ta steget som gjør at deres prosjekter oppnår støtte i inn - og utland.
De tre talentene vil få oppfølging fra Kosmorama i form av arbeidsplass, rådgivning og coaching, mentorer i regionens produksjonsmiljø og annen ekspertise. Talentene vil få tid og rom til fordypning i sine prosjekter.
Programmet inkluderer samlinger i regionen, mulighet for å reise til en internasjonal festival og presentasjoner for bransjen under Kosmorama 2026 og 2027.
Mer detaljer og utlysning av programmet vil skje innen kort tid og legges ut på https://kosmorama.no/bransje/info. Oppstart for talentene vil være i starten av august.

SpareBank 1 SMN is the leading financial group in Mid-Norway, with offices across the region. As an independent bank with strong local roots, our history dates back to the establishment of Trondhjems Sparebank in 1823.
For over 200 years, we have contributed to the development of sustainable local communities in Mid-Norway. We stand firmly alongside individuals, businesses, and voluntary organizations, using our profits to further improve the region.
More than 40% of the bank is owned by the local community, ensuring that a fair share of our surplus is reinvested into meaningful social initiatives. Through community dividends, we support organizations and impactful projects that make Mid-Norway a better place to live for everyone.
Talent Norge provides outstanding artistic talents with the opportunities to realize their full potential. We bring together forces within the cultural sector and private contributors to foster high-level talent development while preserving the uniqueness of each artist.
Talent Norge strengthens the framework for talent development in arts and culture by:
- Uniting leading institutions and organizations around talent initiatives
- Supporting high-quality artistic programs
- Creating lasting networks and collaborations for knowledge-sharing and professional growth
Talent Norge has also established a framework that encourages private contributions. With rigorous quality assessments and systematic project follow-ups, our supporters can trust that their contributions go toward high-level initiatives that directly benefit emerging talents.
Kosmorama – Trondheim International Film Festival is the largest film festival in Mid-Norway and has been held annually since 2005. The festival takes place one week in March, featuring a curated selection of over 80 films.
During the festival week, industry days are organized, serving as the most important meeting place in the region for anyone interested in Norwegian and Trøndelag’s film and gaming industries. Here, filmmakers, game developers, audiences, journalists, politicians, students, and businesses come together to explore the latest developments in film and gaming.
Since its inception in 2005, Kosmorama has been committed to supporting local, national, and international talents through activities such as industry gatherings, pitching sessions, and film