Nothing But the Sun is a compelling documentary that questions the triumph of Western values, and reminds us of what has had to make way for them.
Since the 70's, Mateo Sobode Chiqueno has recorded stories, songs and stories from his people, the Ayoreos in the Chaco region of Paraguay. With the aim of preserving fragments of their dwindling culture, he takes his cassette player in order to gather experiences from others who, like him, were born in the forest and lived freely as nomads before white missionaries came to preach and impose on them the Christian faith, beliefs, values and objects. The traditions and way of life of the Ayorees have never been the same since, and they speak both longingly and with ambivalence in their voices when they reflect on what was better then and what is better now.
Nothing But the Sun is a compelling documentary that questions the triumph of Western values, and reminds us of the struggles of the peoples who had previously lived their lives from day to day at one with nature. Have paid work, money, western medicine and God improved their lives? With delightful cinematography capturing the people and their surroundings, we are witness to vitally important conversations held under the glorious sun, which is perhaps one of the only things not to have changed.
This film is available at Kosmorama Digital 8th – 28th March.
Original title | Apenas el sol | |
Director | Aramí Ullón | |
Year | 2020 | |
Length | 74 min | |
Country | Switzerland, Paraguay | |
Language | Ayoreo | |
Subtitles | English |