Annniversary celebration: Kosmorama's 20. edition

  • Dokkhuset
  • 06.03.2024 19:00 07.03.2024 02:00
Jubileumsfest 9 16

Wednesday 6. March we will be celebrating Kosmorama's 20. edition with a grand anniversary party at Dokkhuset.

Here we gather friends of the festival and invite guests and partners from the twenty festival years we've existed. There will be music, mingling, and fun! We'll have the Midtnorsk investor pitch, Filminvest's feature film pitch, and the NTNU Film Prize award ceremonies.

Program: Doors open at 7:00 PM.

From 7:30 PM, Festival Director Silje Engeness will welcome everyone.

There will be award presentations, a look back at Kosmorama over 20 years, and a sneak peek into the crystal ball for the festival's future. Trondheimsolistene will provide musical performances from the world of film.

Throughout the evening, there will be a DJ and mingling.
Dokkhuset will remain open until 2:00 AM.

Our good friends at FrostaChips and Trondheim Mekaniske will serve amazingly delicious and locally-made gryte chips and provide "late-night snacks" with their own twist on dirty fries, but with potato chips!

The event is 18 years and older.